<p>San Diego storms have left many roadways in disrepair, including the partial – and nearly total – closure of the intersection of La Media Road and Airway Road in Otay Mesa, which has also kept an MTS bus route out of service for weeks.<br>
The closure has impacted hundreds of workers, many of whom now must walk for more than an hour to get to and from work every day, since other bus routes leave them much farther from work at the many industrial plants along La Media Road.<br>

<p>As President Trump’s executive actions begin to take shape, the border region in California is feeling the brunt of his threats. Fear and uncertainty already prevail among thousands of undocumented immigrants, and even among legal residents, who fear that the slightest mistake will lead to their losing their status as permanent residents.<br>

<p>Although it has not been declared as such, and the project to make Chula Vista a Sanctuary City has been on hold since last December, this part of San Diego County informally already functions as such.<br>
Mayor Mary Salas has stated that the fact that police officers avoid asking about a person’s immigration status when they report a crime or are a victim of violence has led to a 50 percent decrease in crime, making her residents feel safer and more trusting of authority.<br>

<p>Sports in the United States has generally existed under a very simple rhetoric of hard work, fair competition, and coming together. It is this simple, yet idealistic, view that has lead sports to become an integral part of the American psyche and to become a tool to teach youth valuable skills such as teamwork and respect towards others.</p>

<p>A new project will highlight the relationship that currently exists between Mexico and the United States, especially between the San Diego and Tijuana border.<br>
The project was developed by members of the San Ysidro Smart Border Coalition at one of their meetings held at the San Ysidro Community Services Center, on Wednesday, February 8.<br>

<p>Aunque no ha sido proclamado como tal, el proyecto para que la ciudad de Chula Vista sea denominada como ciudad santuario se mantiene a la espera desde el pasado mes de diciembre.<br>
La alcaldesa Mary Salas asegura que el hecho de que los agentes de policía eviten preguntar por el estatus migratorio de quien denuncia un crimen o es víctima de algún hecho violento, ha generado un 50 por ciento menos en delitos, lo cual permite que los ciudadanos se sientan más seguros y confíen de forma constante en sus autoridades.<br>

<p>The mayors of San Diego and Tijuana met with business leaders of both sides of the border to highlight the importance of the mega-region’s strong economic and cultural ties.</p>
<p>The closed-door meeting took place at the San Diego Mayor’s Office in downtown, on Monday, February 6.</p>

<p>Los alcaldes de San Diego y Tijuana se reunieron junto a líderes empresariales para promover la importancia de las relaciones económicas y vínculos culturales de la mega-región San Diego-Tijuana.</p>
<p>La reunión fue realizada a puerta cerrada en las oficinas del Alcalde de San Diego Kevin Faulconer en el centro de San Diego, este lunes 6 de febrero.</p>

<p>Las amenazas de Donald Trump para la construcción de un muro supuestamente pagado por México, vendría acompañado de una seria crisis económica en la Unión Americana y un incremento de hasta el 100 por ciento en frutas como el aguacate y otros vegetales de consumo inmediato.</p>