<p>El Lic. Enrique Andrade, Consejero del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) de México, ofreció en San Diego una charla con líderes comunitarios la semana pasada.<br>
El evento, organizado por el Consulado de México en San Diego, tenía la intención de informar a la comunidad sobre el proceso del voto desde Estados Unidos para las próximas elecciones en México a realizarse en 2018.<br>

<p>The signing of Trump’s Executive Actions, and the ensuing protests in cities and airports throughout the country, have led San Diego’s migrant community to seek tangible support from Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Although the community saw the mayor’s lack of support of the Trump campaign as a good thing, many say his silence and inaction are hurting the more than 170,000 undocumented people estimated to be living in the region.<br>

<p>Born in Salinas, California, Hugo Castro has seen the difficulties workers arriving from other countries, although he wasn’t always aware how harsh reality was on the border.<br>
Today, Castro serves as the Baja California Coordinator for Border Angels, an immigrants’ rights advocacy and action group. His volunteer work leads him to seek resources and binational alliances with the purpose of providing support and safety to stranded workers in the border cities of Baja California.<br>

<p>Ante la firma de acciones ejecutivas del actual presidente de los Estados Unidos, la comunidad en pro de los migrantes en la Ciudad de San Diego solicita ver el apoyo tangible del alcalde Kevin Faulconer.&nbsp; Aunque se vio con buenos ojos que el alcalde no apoye a su partidario republicano&nbsp; Donald Trump durante la contienda presidencial, su silencio y carencia de acciones lastiman a los más de 170 mil&nbsp; residentes sin un estatus migratorio que se estima viven en la región.<br>

<p>SANDAG launched the second phase of the San Diego Regional Transportation Study, inviting approximately 200,000 households in San Diego County to participate in a survey of their travel behaviors.<br>