<p>In a show of support to students living in fear of the new presidential administration, the Board of Trustees of the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) has pledged its support to all students regardless of migratory status, religion, or ethnic and national background.<br>

<p>While the President’s Office continues to issue anti-immigrant messages and signing a series of executive orders aimed at militarizing the border between the U.S. and Mexico, the State of California, together with the San Diego District Attorney’s Office, seek to increase the number of Hispanic employees who are fluent in both English and Spanish so they can better serve the hundreds of thousands of Mexican-Americans living in the region.<br>

<p>An air of fear could be felt throughout San Diego as clean water for future generations and the environment are threatened by an Executive Order greenlighting the Keystone XL pipeline in Nebraska and the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota.<br>

<p>Many people could never imagine doing what they currently do for a living. And even fewer could have predicted having a passion for their profession, which helps out the community’s most vulnerable members. Sergio R. Rosas is one of these people.<br>
In his childhood and even into his early 20s, Sergio did not expect to be the Executive Director for an organization which brings much needed services to the residents of National City.<br>

<p>El Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego fue uno de los muchos aeropuertos en Estados Unidos que registraron protestas este pasado fin de semana.<br>
Las protestas se dieron luego de la orden ejecutiva del presidente de Estados Unidos, cual prohíbe la entrada a refugiados musulmanes al país.<br>

<p>Faced with the executive orders signed by the president of the United States, the California State Senate has pushed three new laws that seek to counteract the effects of projects being signed by the Commander in Chief, thus protecting nearly 2.3 million people without a defined legal status estimated to live in the state.<br>

<p>After paying relocation fees to the NFL, and having to cover other related moving expenses, the now-LA Chargers organization has now completed an early termination of their Qualcomm Stadium lease by paying $12.5 million to the City of San Diego.<br>
According to a Los Angeles Times article, the payment was made via wire transfer and the transaction was detailed in a two paragraph letter signed by Dean Spanos.<br>