<p>Parece increíble que a más de 50 años de haber escuchado las inspiradoras palabras de Martin Luther King Jr. que los Estados Unidos reciba esta semana a un nuevo presidente que desde el inicio de su campaña marcó su postura a favor de la división y expulsión de aquellos que son diferentes.<br>

<p>María Chávez volvió a nacer hace una década y desde entonces, ha dedicado esta segunda oportunidad a orientar con su conocimiento a quien lo necesite.<br>
Nacida en Mexicali, Baja California, Maria emigró junto a su familia a El Centro, California, a los once años. Ahí, ella ayudó a sus padres, ambos trabajadores agrícolas, con las labores del campo. El cumplir con estas obligaciones no le impidió ir a la escuela e inclusive, le motivó a aspirar a una vida diferente.<br>

Officials and business leaders from both sides of the border gathered at the 2017 Cross-Border Vision Luncheon hosted by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce this Wednesday, January 18.<br>

<p>San Diego County has seen a significant increase in the number of homeless persons who have no choice but to live on the streets. Most sleep in the Downtown area on sidewalks in front of buildings, stadiums, homes, and government offices in a parade of tents on display within America’s Finest City.<br>
Ron, an elderly man with health problems and who walks with the help of a cane to hold him up, spends his days in front of City Hall, where he says the hardest thing to find is a place where he can clean up.<br>

<p>After over a year of construction, the State Route 15 (SR 15) Commuter Bikeway is expected to be open in mid-2017.<br>

<p>It is hard to believe that more than 50 years after the inspiring “I Have a Dream” speech was delivered by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. the United States would be about to swear in a President who from the very beginning of his campaign favored division and casting out anyone who is different.<br>

<p>January 20 marks the inauguration of a new American president as Donald Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States.<br>
But, unlike any other new president in recent history, Donald Trump enters office in an environment where the public is still largely unclear about his policy positions on important issues, including immigration, education, health care, and, especially, international relations.<br>

<p>Thousands of locals are expected to be part of the women’s march in San Diego in solidarity with the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, January 21.<br>
Women, men, and children from different ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, and political affiliations will get together at 10 a.m. for this event that will take place a day after the presidential inauguration ceremony for the new president of the United States.<br>