<p>A San Diego International Airport program called The Good Traveler, offers carbon offset purchase as an optional amenity to the passengers who want to balance out the environmental impact of their flight.<br>
The Good Traveler is a non-profit collaboration between airports and the organizations they connect with, on a mission to make travel sustainable.<br>
Launched in September 2015, the program has offset about 11.5 million air miles of travel in just over one year.<br>

<p>When the cold and the rain hit the region, Father Joe’s Villages steps up and helps San Diego’s homeless with extra temporary shelter.<br>
As San Diego’s largest homeless services provider, Father Joe’s Villages has been empowering people to achieve self-sufficiency for the last 66 years.<br>

<p>Governor Jerry Brown’s desk saw a lot of paperwork in 2016, which means many new laws will go into effect in 2017.<br>
California’s Governor saw over over 1000 new pieces of legislature during 2016, with 989 being signed into law. Many of which took effect at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Day.<br>
Out of all of these laws, many will not be noticed by the average citizen. However, there are many new laws which will definitely bring about change and discussion among Californians.<br>

<p>A Tijuana Councilman, being held in San Diego for purportedly laundering money, could be set free for the remainder of his trial after a California judge reduced his bail this week from the $5 million requested by the prosecution to $300,000.<br>
Luis Torres Santillan, age 37,&nbsp; is accused, together with thirteen other suspects, of being part of an organization that smuggled more than $10 million dollars from Mexico into the U.S., revealed one of the prosecutors assigned to the case.<br>

<p>Un regidor tijuanense detenido en San Diego por presunto lavado de dinero podría continuar su proceso en libertad luego de que esta semana un juez estatal redujera su fianza, que anteriormente era de 5 millones de dólares, a 300,000 dólares.<br>
Luis Torres Santillán de 37 años es señalado junto a otros trece acusados, por formar parte de una organización que movilizó más de 10 millones de dólares de procedencia ilícita a través de la frontera, reveló uno de los fiscales asignado al caso.<br>

<p>“What social media accounts do you have?”, this is a question that many do not want to hear from Customs and Border Protection officers, now that oficers may ask foreign travelers this question upon entering the U.S.<br>
However, information about social media inquiries has been disseminated incorrectly, causing concern among border crossers.<br>
While officers will in fact be able to ask about social media accounts, this does not apply to all travelers, but only those who participate in the Visa Waiver Program.<br>

<p>Often times when people migrate out of their country of origin, they have a profession. Many doctors, engineers, teachers, and nurses, among others, have fallen victim to outwards push factors in their home country and arrive in the United States in search for a better life, often to start anew from the bottom.<br>
Karin Montemayor was born in Peru. As the fourth eldest of six children, she cites members of her family as being two people who got her interested in taking care of others.<br>

<p>San Diego immigration activists have launched a campaign to educate young immigrants on their options leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump as President on January 20.</p>
<p>The new campaign, called Rise Together, is aimed at informing undocumented immigrants of their options when considering how to proceed with obtaining legal status or protecting themselves if detained by immigration authorities.</p>

<p>El año pasado, el Gobernador de California Jerry Brown marcó su firma sobre un gran volumen de actas legislativas, lo que significa muchas nuevas leyes entrarán en vigor en 2017.<br>
El gobernador de California vio más de más de 1,000 actas durante el 2016, de cuales 989 fueron aprobadas como leyes.<br>
De entre todas estas propuestas legislativas, muchas pasaran desapercibidas. Sin embargo, hay muchas nuevas leyes que sin duda traerán cambio y generaran discusión entre los californianos.<br>