<p><strong>Dear Mexican: Why do gabachos always feel the need to talk about money or trips they have taken? I always notice this when I am at any restaurant, like they don’t have nada más de que hablar. They make a point to speak loudly for everybody to hear…especially if there is raza near by.</strong><br>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>La prieta</strong></p>

Student’s Perspective on Politics:
By Giovanna Robledo

With this new campaign slogan, Obama made his vision clear last week during the Democratic Convention in Charlotte, Carolina. But do the young voters of America that voted him into office in 2008 still believe in Obama and his ideals?

“Four years ago, the young rallied behind Obama because he appealed to their unspoiled idealism,” said Kyle Doria, senior at Olympian High School.