LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Fernanda Read more…

Ballot Recommendation:

This November, the Chula Vista Elementary School District will ask voters to approve a $90 million dollar bond to “increase student access to computers and modern technology; replace temporary classrooms; upgrade heating systems; and make energy cost-saving improvements.” They will also create a School Facilities Improvement District that will encompass the 31 schools on the West side of Chula Vista where the bond monies will be spent.

By Lisa Schiff

California voters concerned with the fate of our public schools face a dilemma this election day–how to vote on the two competing tax measures that each pledge to provide significant new financial support to our state’s public education system. Propositions 30 and 38 present very different alternatives to the immediate fiscal crisis in our schools and formulating an opinion on them is no easy matter.