
A party platform is a document presented at the nominating convention that presents and represents the ideals, vision, goals, and attitudes of that particular political party. This week the Republican Party presented their platform. After reading all 62 pages of it, there wasn’t anything in there that we didn’t already know about the Republican Party.

By Matthew Rothschild

This past week marked a grisly milestone in Afghanistan: The 2,000th U.S. service member has now died there.
And the pace of those deaths has increased, with Obama’s surge bringing about a surge of U.S. deaths. As the New York Times notes, it took about nine years of war to claim the first 1,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines. And it took just a little more than two years to slay the second thousand.

<p><img loading="lazy" class="size-full wp-image-116 alignright" title="mexican1" src="/sites/default/files/2009/05/mexican1.jpg" alt="" width="155" height="171"></p>
<p><strong>Dear Mexican: What is the reason for the colors of the Mexican flag? Is there any razón it resembles the Italian flag, minus the águila y serpent? Conozco más mexicanos que estadounidenses pero none of mis ‘manitos morenos seem to know why…</strong></p>