cinco de mayo

<p>Cinco de Mayo.</p>
<p>The mother of all misunderstood, misquoted, misinterpreted and maligned of holidays.</p>
<p>It’s bad enough that American suds sellers hijacked the hell out of the “holiday,” now we’re even having to re-educate some of our own Chiacna/o/Latina/o masses thanks in part to our obscured Eurocentric form of education.</p>

<p>May 4th, 1862. The most successful French Army general of his generation sat in his headquarters in Mexico passing judgment on Mexican men who resisted his soldiers. The general did not know that the following day, 5 May 1862, el Cinco de Mayo, would be the worst day of his life.</p>
<p>Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Comte de Lorencez was an accomplished French General who had fought in Africa and earned major general’s rank in the Crimea fighting Russians. Now he led the invasion of Mexico for Napoleon III.</p>

<p>Americans are in dire need of a Cinco de Mayo for Dummies..</p>
<p>An embarrasing number of Americans, including many of its Spanish-surnamed citizens still confuse May 5 with Sept. 16, which celebrates Mexican Independence Day. And very few know of the incredible Cinco de Mayo connection between the Battle of Puebla, fought between Mexico and France, and the conservation of United States.</p>

<p>National City celebrará el Cinco de Mayo como se debe: con música de mariachi y sin una gota de alcohol.</p>
<p>El 11avo Festival Anual del Cinco de Mayo de National City será el sábado 27 de abril, de 11 a.m. a 5 p.m., en el Pepper Park. La atracción principal del evento gratuito: la primera competencia de mariachi, donde 10 grupos de ambos lados de la frontera demostrarán quien es el más gallo para cantar las rancheras.</p>