
At times it is hard to believe – here we are starting a New Year. 2012 holds much promise as it appears the economic strain that we have all been living under is slowly easing, there is a bit of relief as we look forward to better days that each New Year promises. This is why we all say Prospero Año Nueva or Happy New Year.

<p align="justify">While working families struggle to make ends meet in this sluggish economy, there is a bright spot on the horizon: On Jan. 1, the minimum wage will increase in eight states, raising wages for more than 1.4 million low-wage workers. The increases in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington are a result of state laws that adjust the minimum wage upward each year to keep pace with the rising cost of living.</p>

Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.

Ya son dos decenas de años que vivo en Estados Unidos. Cinco años estuve en la Ciudad de México. Los demás los pasé en mi tierra natal de Bolivia. Años que se fueron y un año más que apresta imponerse en el horizonte.

Los rayos de luz del 2012 hacen su aparición indisoluble en nuestro universo.

DA’s office needs to get their priorities in orders

I am sure that Bonnie Dumanis and the D.A.’s office have their priorities. Remember Diana Gonzalez, the young Latina who was beaten and raped by her estranged husband? Because the D.A.’s office failed to file CRIMINAL charges against this monster, he eventually killed Diana when she was leaving her evening math class at City College. It’s been more than one year since this tragedy occured and the killer is still on the loose!

<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>SPECIAL BEST-OF EDITION</strong></span></p>