Public Input Needed for Potential District Elections in Chula Vista

The Charter Review Commission is seeking public input regarding a potential change to

LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Read more…


We are greatly disappointed to learn about “pay-to-play” corruption and bribery charges associated with the Sweetwater Union High School District. We had supported board member Pearl Quinones in the past based on her integrity. We thought that board member and former assembly candidate Arlie Ricasa was too smart to allow herself to be pulled into this type of scheme. We had heard rumblings about the character of former board member, Greg Sandoval, and were not surprised to learn of the charges.

By Maria Cardona

Tuesday night’s tight contest for the top spot in the Iowa Republican caucuses reflects the ongoing tension that exists within the Republican Party.

This struggle between the conservative religious voters — whose voice is strong and loud in Iowa and was represented by Rick Santorum — and the more moderate, mainstream voters, represented by Mitt Romney, is indicative of a fight for the soul of the Republican Party.

Por Rafael Prieto Zartha

Las últimas proyecciones del número de hispanos que estarán habilitados para votar las elecciones de 2012 será de 23 millones y medio.

No obstante, la Asociación Nacional de Funcionarios Latinos Electos y Designados (NALEO), la organización que sacó la estadística, proyecta que solo 12.2 millones irán a las urnas en las presidenciales del 6 de noviembre.