<p><strong>Greenlining Institute</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; After Barack Obama’s election as president, a number of pundits rushed to declare thatAmericahad entered a “post-racial” era, and issues of race could go on the historical scrap heap next to the Cold War and typewriters. They were, it turns out, spectacularly wrong.</p>

<p><strong>City Council President Pro Tem </strong><strong>Kevin Faulconer, and </strong><strong>Port Chairman Scott Peters </strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; San Diegans rightly expect all levels of local government to be focused on creating and maintaining jobs, especially in this period of economic uncertainty. That is why we are united behind protecting thousands ofSan Diegojobs that may be in peril.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Christmas… It is my 71st&nbsp;Christmas and the first one of my life without my Mother who passed on a few weeks ago. I told my brothers in September that she was rapidly deteriorating. Unfortunately I was right.</p>

   Think you have it bad here in the good old USA when it comes to wages Mexico just raised their minimum wage by 4.2% or 18 cents….

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The gift-giving season is in full swing.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; For those looking to impress a wine enthusiast, it’s a daunting time. Department stores offer little that would please an oenophile, and the staff at Best Buy doesn’t know a thing about wine. The internet, meanwhile, presents too many options!</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Relax. Wine lovers are easy to please, regardless of your budget. Here are my top picks.</p>