
<p>Prior to 1986 a clear Left voice could be heard on immigration reform. Among its priorities was that there would be no guest worker program, there would be no employer sanctions, there would be a more humane border enforcement policy, and there would be a clear path to citizenship with an absence of penalties and fees. For the most part we lost, and the only real victory was that proposals for a guest worker program died.</p>

<p>When I was a kid – many years ago – Mexicans rarely played Mexicans in the movies. Anyone with black hair and a phony accent could do the job – actors were generally white – some good and some bad.</p>
<p>In a way, this is still happening. Regardless of how un-Mexican the accent of an actor, all Latinos are Mexicans to white people who would probably be offended to see an Englishman play an American with an British accent.</p>