
<p><strong>New York</strong><strong> </strong><strong>(KPRENSA)</strong> – Although her start was in hip-hop, rapper Ana Tijoux from Chile has explored many musical frontiers thanks to her almost instinctive curiosity. Ana just released her second solo album which is called . The album contains 14 songs about her life, wandering with ease from topics such as friendship, death of a close friend, the gift of writing, bad luck and creative crisis, among others.</p>

The very personal work of local artist, Jesimiel Rivera, will be on show and for purchase from April 2 to May 7 at the Next Door Gallery in Golden Hill.

Rivera, who titled the show ‘No drawing, get to work’ gets a lot of inspiration from real life experiences. “I transfer my memories, grief, spirituality, poetry and simplicity to the surface of canvas and paper,” says Rivera. “Basically I use familiar imagery of my past to coexist with the present ideas, therefore creating new middle ground of image for the viewer to decipher.”

<p>, dice el conocido refrán.</p>
<p>Eso fue exactamente lo que su fe hizo que un grupo de inmigrantes irlandeses hicieran en el siglo 19, cuando decidieron morir en manos de los yankees protestantes antes que matar a sus hermanos mexicanos católicos en la guerra entre Estados Unidos y México.</p>

<p>Faith moves mountains, goes the old saying.</p>
<p>That’s exactly what faith made a group of Irish immigrants do in the 19th&nbsp;century, when they decided they’d rather die at the hands of the Protestant Yankees rather than kill their Mexican Catholic brothers in the Mexican-American War.</p>