

We are relieved that the circus surrounding Mayor Bob Filner for the past month-and-a-half has finally come to an end!
Filner could have dug in his heels and dragged this whole process out, holding out for due process, which was his right, but he came to the realization that no matter what, his mayoral leadership and his political career was over. It then became a question of how best to get out, as he prepared for future lawsuits.


<p>Let’s take a look at what this whole Bob Filner embarrassment may mean, if anything, to the future of the Chargers staying put in San Diego. I know this is somewhat of a reach, but with the Filner Novela in full swing, pretty much every story has taken a back seat this summer. I am sure much to the pleasure of Sweetwater, Southwestern College and San Ysidro Districts, just to name a few.</p>