Social Security

<p>Medicare y el Seguro Social brindan seguridad en la salud y la jubilación a millones de latinos, pero los programas enfrentan desafíos financieros a largo plazo, que se deben solucionar. Sin embargo, demasiados políticos en Washington D. C. dicen que la única respuesta es recortar los beneficios que te has ganado, o forzarte a pagar más. AARP está de tu lado, luchando para proteger Medicare y el Seguro Social para ti, tus hijos y nietos.</p>

By Roberta Guise

A longtime educator friend — I’ll call her Kathy — is in her 70s, still teaches and collects Social Security.

Although Kathy will tell you she’ll never stop working, the reality is she’ll have to quit at some point. When she does, she’ll be glad for the regular Social Security payment that’ll offset the high cost of living in San Francisco.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As Congress’ deficit-cutting “super committee” considers whether to recommend reducing Social Security benefits, two reports released last week expose the declining retirement security of aging Americans—especially among women and people of color.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; I love America, and have proudly invested in America. I have invested by building successful businesses employing thousands of American workers. And I have invested in our country by paying taxes.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; But our nation loses $100 billion a year to tax dodging by some of our largest corporations and wealthiest people. That’s a trillion dollar hole in our national treasury over the next decade unless we act now to plug it.</p>