
<p>Medicare y el Seguro Social brindan seguridad en la salud y la jubilación a millones de latinos, pero los programas enfrentan desafíos financieros a largo plazo, que se deben solucionar. Sin embargo, demasiados políticos en Washington D. C. dicen que la única respuesta es recortar los beneficios que te has ganado, o forzarte a pagar más. AARP está de tu lado, luchando para proteger Medicare y el Seguro Social para ti, tus hijos y nietos.</p>


This past week was a glorious one as the 4th of July celebra-tion fell in the middle of the week. There is nothing like a few extra days off during a hot summer. Many of us enjoyed the baseball All-Star game, a weekend barbecue, previews of the start of a nice football season right around the corner, and best of all the wonderful summer days which provide us with the opportunity to just relax.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; I love America, and have proudly invested in America. I have invested by building successful businesses employing thousands of American workers. And I have invested in our country by paying taxes.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; But our nation loses $100 billion a year to tax dodging by some of our largest corporations and wealthiest people. That’s a trillion dollar hole in our national treasury over the next decade unless we act now to plug it.</p>