

The United States Navy honored the legacy of César Chávz by naming the last in the line of 14 resupply ships after the Chicano icon. As Navy Secretary Ray Mabus stated – the labor leader should be praised for his service to the military and country.

    This was an honor well deserved and at the same time recognized the contributions of the NASSCO employees for whom a majority are Hispanic and the community of Barrio Logan where the ship yard is located.


35 years ago when La Prensa San Diego first started publishing, one of our main goals was to influence and improve the education of our children. Without an educated community none of the problems which plague our community would improve. Crime, unemployment, poverty, ghettos, drugs, political persecution, and economic disadvantages would doom Hispanics to second class citizenry unless the community committed to education.


For Mexican Americans, Cinco de Mayo should be a time of honor and the celebration of a great victory. Cinco de Mayo represents our Mexican compatriots’ victory over the superior forces from France. The battle at the Puebla was also a battle between the classes of Mexico, aristocrats against the indigenous population, the poor, the farmers, and the people who were considered commoners.


It has been recently reported that Jesus Gandara, Superintendent of the Sweetwater School District, spent almost $4000 over three years on 300 meals using his school district credit card. It was also reported that he receives an $800 a month allowance for incidentals. For this he has been called out in the local media.

   Was this smart of him? No. Was it illegal or violate any rules? Again, No. Does it look bad? Yes. In these tough economic times, perception is important. Then again, public image has not been Gandara’s strong suit.
