
Student’s Perspective on Politics:
By Giovanna Robledo

With this new campaign slogan, Obama made his vision clear last week during the Democratic Convention in Charlotte, Carolina. But do the young voters of America that voted him into office in 2008 still believe in Obama and his ideals?

“Four years ago, the young rallied behind Obama because he appealed to their unspoiled idealism,” said Kyle Doria, senior at Olympian High School.


A party platform is a document presented at the nominating convention that presents and represents the ideals, vision, goals, and attitudes of that particular political party. This week the Republican Party presented their platform. After reading all 62 pages of it, there wasn’t anything in there that we didn’t already know about the Republican Party.

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
New America Media

On August 3, 1980 GOP Presidential contender Ronald Reagan picked his campaign starting point at the Neshoba County Fair, near Meridian Mississippi. The virtually lily-white, wildly enthusiastic throng that lined Reagan’s motorcade route waved Confederate and American flags.

<p>El virtual candidato republicano Mitt Romney presentó a su compañero de fórmula para las elecciones de noviembre, Paul Ryan, al lado del acorazado Wisconsin, en Norfolk, Virginia, como “el próximo presidente de Estados Unidos”.<br>
Por supuesto que el dislate de Romney fue solo eso, un lapsus linguis, en el calor de la emoción de destapar el gallo, que los medios de comunicación ya habían develado en la madrugada del sábado 11 de agosto.</p>