
Vega to look into billing by communications consultant

    The Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees voted 4-1 Monday to hire former United States Attorney Greg Vega to conduct an independent review into the billing statements of communications consultant Scott Alevy. Board Member Bertha Lopez voted against the motion.

    The board took the action in closed session Monday evening and reported out to the public during the regular meeting later in the evening.


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; We should be able to agree that providing a high-quality education for all our children, regardless of their background, is a critical investment in our future. And when we tell our youngest that the sky is the limit, we must keep our word by working to eliminate any barriers to their success.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last month marked the 150th&nbsp;anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter, marking the start of the Civil War. Days before in his Inaugural Address President Abraham Lincoln summed up the differences between the south and the north saying, “One section of our country believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong and ought not to be extended. This is the only substantial dispute.”</p>

Public Ed students cannot be charged fees to participate!

   East Lake High School parents were refunded the money they paid for their children to participate on track and field sports team last month. Parents paid $135 for their children to play on the Otay Ranch High School basketball team and may request refunds. That happened because students may not be required to pay any fees to participate in school activities in California public schools because of the state Constitution.