
    The Sweetwater Union High School District Board of Trustees approved a revised board policy and regulation Thursday that prohibits any district sports team, associated student body organization, performing arts or booster group from charging fees for student participation.

    A recent lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has alleged that the state of California was failing to monitor school districts’ charging of fees in violation of the “free school guarantee.”

    To help meet the demand for more college graduates to help drive California’s economy, Assembly Higher Education Chair Marty Block (AD-78) has authored legislation to look at alternate ways to help students achieve a baccalaureate degree. AB 661 would allow Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District and San Mateo County Community College District to establish baccalaureate degree pilot programs in subject areas where the workforce need is high. Yesterday, AB 661 cleared the Assembly Higher Education Committee without any no votes.



35 years ago when La Prensa San Diego first started publishing, one of our main goals was to influence and improve the education of our children. Without an educated community none of the problems which plague our community would improve. Crime, unemployment, poverty, ghettos, drugs, political persecution, and economic disadvantages would doom Hispanics to second class citizenry unless the community committed to education.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last week, I documented the dismal statistics regarding Latino student achievement in the San Diego Unified School District:&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; · Nearly one-third of Latino students did not pass the California High School Exit Exam in English last year, and one-fourth did not pass the Exit Exam in math.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>The College Board</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Durante mi etapa de funcionaria de admisiones universitarias el 1 de abril era muy especial porque compartíamos con los estudiantes las decisiones sobre admisiones. Aunque algunos estudiantes sabían exactamente qué hacer y cumplían fácilmente con el plazo del 1 de mayo para darnos su decisión, muchos estudiantes latinos que eran los primeros de su familia en ir a la universidad necesitaban un poco más de ayuda en el proceso.</p>

By Roberto Lovato

    Local media is abuzz with news of President Obama’s visit to San Francisco. Unfortunately for immigration policy and for noble cause of immigrant rights, the media coverage reflects the editorial filters built up by the multi-million dollar media apparatus set up by Obama’s immigrant rights allies in DC, who are still seen by the press as the official voice of immigrants in the US.