
<strong>Diputado Estatal por el </strong><br>
<strong>Distrito 104 de Dallas</strong></p>
<p>Texas no será Alabama, Pensilvania, ni mucho menos Arizona.</p>
<p>Aquí, en nuestro estado, si se respetan los derechos emanados de nuestra Constitución –conquistados a sangre y fuego en feroces batallas— que protegen a los inmigrantes, con o sin papeles. Todos somos para nuestra Carta Magna iguales: no importa nuestro grupo étnico, religión, o estatus migratorio.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; America is at a crossroads. Shall we be governed by people or by corporations?</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; If you thought we had already answered that question more than two centuries ago, you’re right. The framers of our Constitution were clear that we were to be a government of, for and by the people. They recognized that corporations were not people and that the Constitution did not guarantee corporations rights intended for people.</p>