South Bay voters should get to choose their elected representative.
San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Politicos already jockeying for a seat that rarely becomes vacant.
White labor leaders used crass Spanish slang to attack Latina leader.
Process was stalled after resignation of Supervisor Nathan Fletcher in May.
Over $400,000 in contributions flowed through intertwined committees.
Councilwoman Montgomery Steppe is best choice to help lead County.
<p>The San Diego County Board of Supervisors today voted to hold a special election on August 15th to replace disgraced Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, who resigned last week after a female employee filed a lawsuit alleging he sexually harassed and assaulted her.</p>
The back-and-forth seemed normal before Fletcher called it a "threat".
<h3>Local Organizations Criticize Decision, While Others View it as a Community Safety Victory</h3>