immigrant rights

First Person:
By Alberto Ledesma
New America Media

    Sofia and I had been making that turn since we had moved to Castro Valley. In those five years, the protesters at the corner of Castro Valley Boulevard and Redwood Road had become a constant example of the way politics worked in the United States. Each time, after I picked her up from abuelita’s house, we waited for the light to turn while she stared at the protesters.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Gov. Jan Brewer plans to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to lift a federal court’s preliminary injunction that blocked major portions of a controversial state immigration law from going into effect. But whether the nation’s highest tribunal will consider ruling on SB 1070 is a whole other story, according to legal experts.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; El presidente Barack Obama tiene un dilema en torno a la cuestión migratoria. Sabe que hay una necesidad de impulsar una reforma migratoria –Dream Act o una reforma integral— para reanimar al electorado latino.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Al mismo se da cuenta que si impulsa una ley desde la Casa Blanca estaría poniendo en riesgo el apoyo de los anti-inmigrantes de su partido y del electorado moderado.</p>

By: Jose Apolinar Olivera

   Few issues spark as much anger and propaganda as the issue of immigration reform. Unlike many other issues, views on immigration reform do not fall neatly into party lines or even racial lines.

   Regardless of one’s view on the issue, we can agree that the debate around immigration reform should be based on fact, not fiction.