
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; We must come to understand Hiroshima and Nagasaki as war crimes. And we must resist the double standard that makes crimes committed by our enemies punishable under international law, while the same crimes committed by our leaders are deemed to be acceptable.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As he was announcing his second increase in troops for Afghanistan in December 2009, President Obama promised that by July 2011 those troops would begin coming home. As relayed by Bob Woodward’s book, ,<em> </em>we know the president was skeptical about the United States’ war effort in Afghanistan. In spite of that skepticism, the president’s new plan for the war extends the longest war in American history for the foreseeable future.</p>

<p style="text-align: left;">&nbsp;</p>
<p>ESCONDIDO – El activista del Norte del Condado, Fernando Suárez del Solar envió recientemente una carta al presidente Barak Obama para expresar su descontento sobre la decisión presidencial de enviar 30 mil soldados más a Afganistán, y poner fecha de término de las guerras en ese país y en Irak en el 2011.</p>