
<a href="; target="_blank"><strong>The Root</strong></a></p>
<p>“America never loved us. Remember?”</p>
<p>Phillip Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders, a youth-fueled civil rights organization formed in response to the 2012 slaying of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, spoke those powerful words Jan. 28 during the 2014 State of the Youth.<br>
And the Year of the Protester began.</p>


George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trevyon Martin, a young black man.

What followed was public outcry from the Black community calling for justice and civil rights charges to be brought forth. We are concerned that the justice system failed the community. We are concerned about racial profiling, stereotyping, race relations, and social justice. And we agree that there needs to be more dialogue about repealing Florida’s “stand your ground” self-defense law.

These are all valid issues. Yet, these are not new issues.

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<p>ESCONDIDO – El activista del Norte del Condado, Fernando Suárez del Solar envió recientemente una carta al presidente Barak Obama para expresar su descontento sobre la decisión presidencial de enviar 30 mil soldados más a Afganistán, y poner fecha de término de las guerras en ese país y en Irak en el 2011.</p>