<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; La comida latina, en especial la mexicana, es buen negocio.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tan sólo en California, cada año la industria de alimentos y bebidas latinas tiene ventas por 4.3 mil millones de dólares, según cifras de ProMéxico, una agencia del gobierno mexicano que alienta la inversión en México y la exportación de productos mexicanos.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; My own Latina mom and aunt raised my three male cousins and me. Four boys roughly the same age living within a few blocks of one another can do a lot of damage. We started to do just that.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Our moms put an end to that, fast.</p>

Prop O Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Accepting Applications for Vacancies

    The Sweetwater Union High School District’s Board of Trustees is now accepting applications from qualified individuals interested in joining the Prop O Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC). The CBOC is responsible for providing oversight of the Prop O construction bond program, a $644 million school classroom, safety and repair measure that provides funds necessary to address the needs of 32 schools in the District.