<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; No fue hasta casi el último año de preparatoria que Ángel López supo del tenis. Él estaba en el equipo de cross country, por lo que no le importaban demasiado las redes, raquetas y bolas brillantes de color verde.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pero la primera vez que sostuvo una raqueta, dijo que sintió la conexión con el deporte.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ”Fue muy divertido, como que me gustó”, dijo López.</p>

First Person: By Al Carlos Hernandez     I was getting drilled at Read more…

Community Economic Summit for a Better San Diego

    Have you ever wondered what a better San Diego would look like? After years of bad economic policies that favor the wealthy, developers, and corporations at the expense of everyone else, we are ready to see a San Diego with a strong local economy that works for everyone, and a just and fair society that provides every San Diegan with the opportunity to create a better life for themselves and their families.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; I have lived in Shelltown my whole life, 60 years. I was a part of the disgraceful history that this community has suffered, when it was split by CalTrans in the 70’s and then again by SEDC redevelopment renaming part of Shelltown to Southcrest in mid-80’s. Because of our unity efforts in organizing Shelltown, with the help of SDOP (San Diego Organizing Project) www.sdop.net, our dream of restoring our community is almost fulfilled.</p>