<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Women’s Equality Day, August 26, is both a celebration of women’s progress and a reminder that equality remains a goal, not a reality.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; On this day in 1920, women gained the right to vote under the 19th Amendment. Today, over 90 years later, the struggle to advance women’s rights is concentrated on the economic front — with an end to discrimination against women in the labor force a critical, and hotly-debated, objective.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; I love America, and have proudly invested in America. I have invested by building successful businesses employing thousands of American workers. And I have invested in our country by paying taxes.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; But our nation loses $100 billion a year to tax dodging by some of our largest corporations and wealthiest people. That’s a trillion dollar hole in our national treasury over the next decade unless we act now to plug it.</p>

    Tezzy where have you been???? Este Indo has been muy ocupado working many jobs trying to stay out of the poor house. It has been tough the last couple of years, but as my tax man dice you are one tough hombre… a survivor. Hijole I guess so…

<p><span style="font-size: small;">SPECIAL COMIDA EDITION</span></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Latino Decisions released a new poll finding regarding the debt and deficit as part of its ImpreMedia-Latino Decisions Tracking Poll. When asked whether the preferred solution for closing the deficit was spending cuts, tax increases on the wealthy or a combination of the two, Latino voters overwhelmingly lean in the direction of taxes.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; La osadía de los que abominan a los indocumentados supera los límites de la imaginación y para ratificar esta premisa a un político local del estado de Washington se le ha ocurrido que la solución para acabar con la “inmigración ilegal” es aplicar la pena capital a los que no tienen estatus migratorio.</p>