Frontera NorteSur

    Mexico’s ongoing spasm of violence and mayhem is frequently portrayed in the US media as a Mexican phenomenon that threatens to spill across the nation’s borders and sweep up hapless cities in the relentless expansion of powerful, foreign criminal organizations.

    Looking south, many US citizens gasp in horror as they watch a mounting death toll from the so-called drug war and the seeming breakdown of any semblance of civilized behavior and law and order south of the border.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Uno de los sueños de mi vida lo truncó la implacable parca que se llevó antes de que nadie lo hubiera previsto a mi amigo el periodista George Ramos, uno de los ganadores del Premio Pulitzer en 1984 por una serie colectiva del diario sobre la comunidad latina.</p>


60-Foot Mural Completed Chicano Park Murals Restoration Continues Artist: Michael Schnorr Restoration Read more…