<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Since the United States seized half Mexico’s territory after the American War of 1847, Mexican Americans have suffered from isolation. Their population was centered along the border, often months away from the East Coast. An out of sight, out of mind mentality developed.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; We must come to understand Hiroshima and Nagasaki as war crimes. And we must resist the double standard that makes crimes committed by our enemies punishable under international law, while the same crimes committed by our leaders are deemed to be acceptable.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Los funcionarios del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) de la administración del presidente Barack Obama están haciendo todo lo posible para que quienes votamos por el actual mandatario en 2008, no repitamos el error en 2012.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sus subordinados del Servicio de Control de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) ya completaron eficientemente el primer millón de indocumentados expulsados del país.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The presence of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to generate ineffectual political initiatives, from employment verification <strong>mandates </strong>to <strong>referendums </strong>against in-state tuition access.</p>

<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here is my problem: I was raised in a typical gabacho family. My siblings and I all enjoyed a typical gabacho relationship. We are close as cats. I phoned my brother year-before-last, and was gratified to learn that he was still alive. That call went so well, I may phone him again next year.</strong></p>

The White House Internship: A Public Service Leadership Program

    The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today’s young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office and prepare them for future public service opportunities.

    The application periods for the Summer 2011 and Fall 2011 White House Internship Programs are now closed.