<p> Un nuevo proyecto de ley muy importante dirigido a proteger a nuestras familias y pequeños negocios de drásticos incrementos al costo de cobertura médica está moviéndose en la legislatura estatal. Todos necesitamos decirles a nuestros representantes que aprueben esta ley de inmediato.</p>
<p> Los días festivos se prestan para el descanso, la diversión y la relajación en el campo.</p>
<p> Durante los feriados, mucha gente se aparta de sus quehaceres rutinarios y se dan un espacio para alejarse del trabajo, el estrés, y el congestionamiento de las ciudades.</p>
<p> If you’re an average woman, you want two children, according to various surveys. That means you’ll spend about five years of your life trying to become pregnant, being pregnant or recovering from pregnancy, and 30 years trying to avoid it.</p>
<p> Tijuana ya tiene equipo en la primera división del futbol mexicano.</p>
<p> Another Latino has been shot dead in an Arizona home invasion – and the national media is once again ignoring the story. It happened on May 5 and the news is only now surfacing outside the Arizona media through citizen journalism on blogs, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.</p>
<p> According to the <em>Arizona</em><em> Daily Star.</em>..</p>
<p><strong>Richmond</strong><strong> Pulse/New America Media</strong></p>
<p> People often speak about how college is a long, rigorous challenge, and I am sure it’s probably true. However, over the years I have proven to myself that I posses the commitment, desire, potential and determination to be academically successful.</p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;"><em> </em></span></p>
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All that we have as a country, all that we have become, all that we hope for is because a man or woman gave their life so that we can enjoy today. This is what Memorial Day is about: remembering those who have given their life on the battlefields across the world and throughout the history of the United States.