El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero

    Como la vida nos entretiene con su rutina diaria y sus pequeños altibajos cotidianos, mientras todo marcha bien, es muy difícil que pensemos en que, de repente, todo puede cambiar. Así que no planificamos el modo o la forma en que tendríamos que reaccionar a un momento de crisis.

County Launches Five Garden Education Centers
Centers Offer Free Gardening Classes as Part of the Healthy Works Initiative

    Want to learn how to plant and maintain a garden? County officials and community partners announced five Regional Garden Education Center locations today at Olivewood Gardens in National City. Olivewood is one of five sites where residents can take free classes to help them to start or maintain school gardens as well as teach residents how to convert lawns, yards and small spaces into fruit and vegetable gardens.


The United States Navy honored the legacy of César Chávz by naming the last in the line of 14 resupply ships after the Chicano icon. As Navy Secretary Ray Mabus stated – the labor leader should be praised for his service to the military and country.

    This was an honor well deserved and at the same time recognized the contributions of the NASSCO employees for whom a majority are Hispanic and the community of Barrio Logan where the ship yard is located.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; We should be able to agree that providing a high-quality education for all our children, regardless of their background, is a critical investment in our future. And when we tell our youngest that the sky is the limit, we must keep our word by working to eliminate any barriers to their success.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last month marked the 150th&nbsp;anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter, marking the start of the Civil War. Days before in his Inaugural Address President Abraham Lincoln summed up the differences between the south and the north saying, “One section of our country believes slavery is right and ought to be extended, while the other believes it is wrong and ought not to be extended. This is the only substantial dispute.”</p>