<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Durante los últimos días, la pluma de Pilar Marrero, mi querida colega periodista de de Los Ángeles,&nbsp; le ha puesto en varias ocasiones el dedo en la llaga a un tema &nbsp;ineludible:&nbsp; ¿cuál es el trato que la administración del&nbsp; ahora candidato presidente Barack Obama le ha dado a los inmigrantes?</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; One hundred and fifty years ago, on April 12, 1861, the first shots of the Civil War were fired. A century and a half later, the issue of race still haunts us.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Back then, most everyone understood that America’s bloodiest war — more than 623,000 dead — had its roots in race. But race is not a subject Americans like to think about anymore. At every turn, prominent voices try to pretend that since we’ve achieved a colorblind society, we can forget all that old unpleasantness.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>: I grant you a magic wand; now, tell me how do we right the wrongs of Sam Houston and Manifest Destiny? Is it to correct his legacy and call out the crimes and recognize the victims? Or should the land be given back? What is it, my fellow American? </strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><strong>U.S Citizen</strong></p>

<p><strong>California</strong><strong> Watch</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Reversing a decades-long trend, the percentage of Latino children attending preschool across the U.S. declined between 2005 and 2009, with possible far-reaching consequences for California.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; That’s the conclusion of a report by UC Berkeley researchers, to be released at the Education Writers Association’s annual conference in New Orleans.</p>


México del Norte
Por Jorge Mújica Murias

    Paso uno: alguien inventa que los inmigrantes indocumentados son las personas más peligrosas del planeta. Paso dos: Alguien inventa una ley para “deshacerse” de ellos hostigándolos hasta que se aburran. Paso tres: La Corte dice que es una idea estúpida. Paso cuatro: La ley repite la estupidez de la idea.