Hispanic-, African-American Owned-Or-Operated Channels To Launch First

By R. Thomas Umstead
Multichannel News

    Comcast Corp. will begin the process of adding 10 new independent, minority-owned and operated channels by soliciting proposals from Hispanic and African-American networks.

Community Development Scholarship For Sweetwater High School Students

    In order to increase access to higher education, the National City Chamber of Commerce has developed a scholarship program for Sweetwater High School Students interested in Community Development. The goal is to administer at least one scholarship per year to high achieving juniors and seniors with an academic GPA of at least 2.9, who are in need of financial assistance.

El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero

    Aunque una de las primeras cosas que aprendemos es la importancia del agua en nuestras vidas, como especie, pareciera que nos esforzamos decididamente a destruirla en vez de esforzarnos por preservarla.


It has been recently reported that Jesus Gandara, Superintendent of the Sweetwater School District, spent almost $4000 over three years on 300 meals using his school district credit card. It was also reported that he receives an $800 a month allowance for incidentals. For this he has been called out in the local media.

   Was this smart of him? No. Was it illegal or violate any rules? Again, No. Does it look bad? Yes. In these tough economic times, perception is important. Then again, public image has not been Gandara’s strong suit.


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Californians, like all Americans, love breathing clean, healthy air. We relish that picture perfect moment: a clear view of the mountains or ocean, kids playing soccer or baseball, enjoying a picnic in the park on a warm day, or just a brisk walk with the dog.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; These are also the moments we’d like to forget — missed school or missed work due to bad air days, asthma and bronchial attacks and the associated costs to families, business, and the economy.&nbsp;</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Por mucho tiempo la Agencia de Protección Ambiental, o EPA, ha protegido la salud y el bienestar de todos los estadounidenses, particularmente de las familias latinas. Desafortunadamente, los políticos conservadores lideran esfuerzos encaminados a atacar, retirar el financiamiento y en algunos casos incluso a abolir la EPA.</p>

   Old news but well worth repeating. The Democratic Party and it’s candidates are supposed to be about progressive politics but it seems like Chula Vista councilwoman Pamela Bensoussan missed the memo on that one.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It’s become a TV ritual: Every year on April 4, as Americans commemorate Martin Luther King’s death, we get perfunctory network news reports about “the slain civil rights leader.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The remarkable thing about these reviews of King’s life is that several years — his last years — are totally missing, as if flushed down a memory hole.</p>