<p><strong>: This <em>güero</em> downloaded the Arizona S.B. 1070 bill, did a search on the document for “Mexicans,” and did not come up with a single hit. What’s up with that? So, since you are such an acknowledged expert at pointing out Mexican-hating here in the American Southwest (your words, not mine), I thought that I would let you school me and show me where in the racial-profiling-loving S.B. 1070 (again, your words, not mine) was the word “Mexicans” located.</strong></p>

USCIS to Host Naturalization Information Session in Chula Vista on Saturday

Will Showcase Civics, Citizenship and Other Products and Services

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With the news that Latinos, for the first time ever, have become the majority in California’s public schools, researchers and educators called on the state to do more to help these students get an education that prepares them for the 21st century.</p>
