<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Progressives and liberal Democrats are furious over President Obama’s tax-cut deal. Their venting includes threats of a Senate filibuster, screams for everyone from defeated Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold to Hillary Clinton to challenge Obama in the Democratic primary in 2012, and vows that progressives will not spend a second working for Obama’s reelection or contribute a dime to his campaign.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Tradition tells us that Santa Claus travels every year on Christmas Eve from his home in the North Pole to make the children of the world happy.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; But exactly 50 years ago, Santa was especially generous with all Americans, young and old.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; He gave us a historic present: the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was established in Northern Alaska, not too far from the North Pole.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Muchos creen que el gran pecado de Bill Clinton fue tener relaciones amorosas con una estudiante becaria que le permitió realizar las ilusiones sexuales más impuras en plena Oficina Oval de la Casa Blanca.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; En términos generales, la Administración de Clinton ha sido vista de buena manera por la población norteamericana y críticos alrededor del mundo.</p>

<p><strong></strong><strong> Why can AeroMexico Airlines fly through any kind of weather conditions to get to and from the United States, but any kind of little ice sprinkle or heavy wind and domestic airlines in the U.S. cancel two days worth of flights? For two consecutive winters, I’ve had Chicago-to-Houston-to-Leon, Guanajuato on Continental Airlines, and Chicago-to-Dallas-to-Leon on American Airlines canceled with a call I received while getting the suitcases packed!</strong></p>

En Esta Esquina: Noticias sobre Bradley-Alexander, Solís, Pacquiao Una de las luchas Read more…