
Our first impulse was to NOT recommend anyone for State Assembly. This was based on the frustration of the incumbents’ inability to pass a State budget. Passing a budget is one of the primary jobs of our elected officials and it is now clear they are not any good at their job, they can’t get a budget passed, and when someone can’t do their job you fire them!

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last Tuesday, the Senate voted to block discussion of the National Defense Authorization Act, which included a provision to outlaw the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, as well as one to enact the DREAM Act.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Reid should force those senators voting no to do so time and again until they’re faced with withdrawing funding from the Pentagon or doing the right thing for gays and lesbians and for immigrant students.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; This week an important event in our nation’s capital brought together experts to examine this problem: Although education is the key to our future success as a country and the cornerstone of our democracy, we have allowed our students to fall behind. This has never been truer for Latino students. Educational opportunities for Latino students — who comprise over a fifth of the nation’s school children — are being disproportionately affected by this crisis in America.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; En el primer debate por la gubernatura de California, la población electoral en este estado fue invitada a tomar dos sendas distintas hacia la recuperación económica.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Sus dos principales promovedores indicaron que el suyo es el mejor, el más grande, el más bonito, el más seguro, el que nos conviene. Aunque también los dos nos insinuaron que, en el proceso del viaje, encontraremos chubascos, lodo, espinas, barreras y algunos monstruos con cabezas decapitadas.</p>


<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; En la única ocasión en que se salió de su personaje de comentarista ultraconservador durante su intervención en una audiencia del Congreso sobre los trabajadores agrícolas indocumentados, el comediante Stephen Colbert no pudo haber sido más serio: “Me gusta hablar sobre gente que no tiene ningún poder”.</p>

   Hijole, La Prensa web page is muy, muy popular seems el jefe needs to buy more bandwidth, too many people logging on at the same time shut the site down. Come guys it is up all week spread it around a bit….