<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ted Godshalk ha evolucionado como residente de National City: fue de ser electricista a activista comunitario a padre a educador.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ha sido maestro en las escuelas Kimball Elementary, Otis Elementary, Ira Harbison y Rancho de La Nacion.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ahora quiere utilizar su experiencia para convertirse en un nuevo miembro de la mesa directiva del Distrito Escolar Nacional en las elecciones de noviembre.</p>

Ending Prohibition?  Proposition 19, Marijuana Legalization, and Its Effect on Drug Trafficking in Mexico

    On October 14, 2010, the Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego will host an international conference to discuss California’s Proposition 19 and the projected effects it will have on drug trafficking-related violence in Mexico. This initiative, which would effectively end prohibition of marijuana—putting it on the same par as alcohol in the state of California—is intended to radically reshape marijuana criminalization.

By: Jill Sheffield

    Reading the news is usually an ordeal of watching the world fall apart at an accelerating pace, so when four United Nations agencies offer a new count of mothers’ deaths worldwide in pregnancy and childbirth, one braces for another depressing and insoluble problem. The numbers over the past 20 years, after all, have been stubbornly high: one death per minute on average.