<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As an election nears, we always hear increasingly extreme rhetoric from the Republican Party on immigration. But this time around, their fire has turned on the most vulnerable among us; the children. This shameful tactic, which is designed to fire up their most angry anti-immigrant supporters, is not even focused on immigrant children, but rather the American citizen children of immigrants. It is wrong, and it must end.</p>

   We don’t know who Russell Coronado, Chula Vista Elementary board member, is trying to fool, but his decision not to vote on the selection of the new superintendent, saying it was a conflict of interest… didn’t fool many.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX, Ariz. — </strong>The sun sets over a small trailer park in central Phoenix as families walk into a neighborhood community center. They started meeting a year ago in this neighborhood, which has been hit with traffic stops and worksite raids by Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies looking for undocumented immigrants.</p>