México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias     Nunca creo haberle puesto Read more…

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Most of us, when we were growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, knew somebody in our neighborhood who was usually, the toughest, the best fighter, the strongest, and the natural leader of neighborhood guys.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; We all grudgingly admired him, and felt certain, one day, he would be very important in whatever he did in life.</p>

First Person:
By Al Carlos Hernandez

    I am scheduled to be a keynote speaker for the seniors’ graduation banquet at a private Christian college were I teach public relations, media management and journalism. I am lauded for teaching innovative topics in real time so, consistent with that, here is an annotated version of the speech … which students will, not doubt, follow along on their iphones – while they are pretending to be listening – when I am actually giving the speech.

Honored Guests,

LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa-Fernanda-Montero Read more…