<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Forget all the articles you’ve ever read that purport to explain why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the United States. They’ve got it all wrong.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It’s not about celebrating a victory in a battle on the Fifth of May in 1862, in the City of Puebla, in the country of Mexico. It’s not about honoring poor and untrained peasants who, though far out-numbered, defeated soldiers from what was then the greatest military force in the world, the French army.</p>

Imposes New Two-Thirds Voter Approval Requirement for Local Public Electricity Providers
State of California
Initiative Constitutional Amendment –  Majority Approval Required
Should the California Constitution be amended to require two-thirds voter approval before local governments can start up or expand electric service?
Requires two-thirds voter approval before local governments provide electricity service to new customers or establish a community choice electricity program using public funds or bonds. 

“Ya No Somos Pocos” Comentario: Por Herman Baca Presidente, Comité Pro Derechos Read more…
On Sat. May 8, 2010, the Save Our Barrios Coalition will march through Barrio Logan to inform the community about the need to unite and stop all “redevelopment plans” until the voice of the community is heard.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Black stand-up comedians make a living telling jokes about getting stopped by police officers all the time for the “crime” of “Driving on a Sunday afternoon while Black.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The joke is true. It is true as has been documented by court-ordered studies in New Jersey and California.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; I have asked myself many times in many different ways over the past few weeks this one question, why, why us. You see at my age I just want to be at peace and live my life. A lifetime of tension filled scenarios should be replaced with the freedom to be who I am and not feel the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention when the word Mexican is spoken in a crowd of strangers. Or feel that my rights are infringed upon simply by being in Arizona and looking and acting like an undocumented worker.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Hay veces pensamos que la crisis del neoliberalismo sólo afecta a las economía latinoamericana por el hecho de que estamos muy cerca del centro capitalista.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; No es así. La economía neoliberal también afecta a otras latitudes del mundo. Hoy los griegos son víctimas de los “corredores del mercados” y otros delincuentes de cuello blanco.</p>