Northwest Civic Association will present an Open Forum on Proposition G on Monday May 10th at 6 p.m. at the Chula Vista Civic Center Library Auditorium (4th Ave. & F St.).  Pro & con issues will be debated. Passage of Proposition G would prohibit the City from funding or entering into public works contracts that require agreements with labor organizations or payments on behalf of employees to labor organization benefit plans or other trust funds. For information: (619) 307-3460 or

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “I saw how the hill was sliding down, the authorities came in yesterday to take us out of our homes, they told us the hill was collapsing. At 5 am Monday my house collapsed completely” said 54 year old Juan Sandoval just one of the dozen homeowners who lost their homes this week in Tijuana after a hill collapsed underneath their homes at Fraccionamiento Monterrey.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; According to Sandoval, they noticed the earth moving about two weeks ago.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Se veía que se estaba venciendo el cerro; ayer llegó protección civil para desalojarnos de nuestras casas porque estaban a punto de caerse. Hoy, a las 5:00 am mi casa se hundió totalmente” narró Juan Sandoval de 54 años de edad, uno de los&nbsp; afectados cuya casa, ubicada en el fraccionamiento Monterrey en Tijuana se derrumbó en la madrugada del lunes.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Según Sandoval, llevaban por lo menos 15 días con avisos y movimientos de tierra.</p>

<p>New America Media<strong></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If you’ve turned on the television recently, you’ve probably seen an ad for Proposition 16, the initiative put on the ballot by Pacific Gas and Electric, which would make it more difficult for local governments to get into the power businesses.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To date, PG&amp;E has spent $25 million on the campaign and has pledged $10 million more before the June 8 election.</p>