<p>The Supreme Court yesterday granted immigrants facing detention new rights and protections. The ruling in Padilla v. Kentucky requires defense attorneys to accurately advise their non-citizen clients of the potential immigration consequences of pleading guilty to a crime.</p>

<p>Gone are the Bush administration years when each henhouse —each federal agency— had its own fox —its own regulator— to guard it. From the Department of the Interior, including the National Forest Service, to the Environmental Protection Agency, those who regulated the corresponding industry were their most loyal servants.</p>
<p>Now foxes have been substituted by watchdogs, regulators committed to enforcing the law and protecting our communities from the ravages of environmental degradation.</p>


First Person:
By Al Carlos Hernandez

The eclectic producer/director Dan Guerrero has been twice honored by the distinguished Imagen Foundation for his positive portrayal of the Latino culture in his work. Hispanic Magazine recognized him as, “One of the 25 most powerful Latinos in Hollywood.”

Como una organización nacional latina que capacita a las latinas a través de desarrollo de liderazgo, oportunidades de servicio a la comunidad e información, MANA le da la bienvenida al Censo del 2010 y a la llegada de los formularios del censo a todos los hogares en Estados Unidos.


Por: Dra. Ileana Ponce-González
U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Consejos para cuando tenga que acudir a  la sala de emergencia

Generalmente nadie tiene planificado ir a la sala de emergencia por enfermedad o a causa de un accidente. Sin embargo, el estar preparado para este tipo de situación puede ayudarle a recibir una buena atención médica.


National School District Kindergarten Registration Begins April 12

The National School District will begin open enrollment for all incoming kindergarten students on Monday, April 12, 2010. Enrollment is open to all students who will be five years old on or before December 2, 2010. All of our kindergarten programs are full day programs.

Classroom placements are available at all ten school sites in the District in both Bilingual and English programs.

Latino Print Network

RENO, Nev. — The family of famed teacher Jaime Escalante, 79, has announced that he passed away at 2:27 pm. The cause of death was coronary and respiratory failure, precipitated by cancer.
