Noche Mexicana & Viva South Bay!

On Saturday, April 17 the Padres are hosting “Noche Mexicana & Viva South Bay!” presented by Cox/Channel 4 San Diego and brought to you by Invasora 99.7-FM.

This theme pays homage to the Padres Latino fan base and honors community heroes from the South Bay .

– Padres first baseman Adrian Gonzalez will be presented his 2009 Gold Glove by the Rawlings Company in a pre-game ceremony at home plate.

<p>The debate over Health Care reform in the US is far from over, meanwhile, thousands of US citizens, many of them Mexican-American rather tend to their health needs in Mexico, but experts say there are important changes in pharmaceutical legislation and other considerations that medical tourists should be aware of.</p>

<p>El debate sobre la reforma de servicios de salud en E. U. está lejos de concluir y mientras tanto, miles de norteamericanos o Mexico-americanos prefieren atender sus necesidades de salud en México, pero según expertos hay importantes cambios en la industria farmaceutica&nbsp; e importantes consideraciones que los&nbsp; llamados “turistas médicos” deben de saber.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>It’s been seven years since Fernando Suarez del Solar buried his son, Jesus. Seven years since March 27, 2003, when just one week into the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Lance Corporal Jesus Suarez del Solar stepped on a piece of unexploded ordnance and came home in a flag-draped coffin. When he died, Jesus left behind a wife and infant son, Erik, who even today doesn’t understand what happened to his father.</p>


<p>Now, I’m not a big fan of “State of” kinds of speeches. Most times they leave me with a feeling of “Now, that was some BS I could have spared myself.” But it was a joy the other night listening to Richard Barrera, the President of the San Diego City Schools Board of Education, share his thoughts on schools being community based in a refreshing non-preachy conversational tone as opposed to the usual empty tome that politicians usually read verbatim at such occasions in coma inducing tones.</p>
