The Easter holiday is about re-birth and new beginnings. It is the start of the spring season, ladies dressed in flowery fashions, and the Easter egg. For the Christian community it is about the Resurrection of Christ.

This year, after several tough economic years, which has taken a toll on everyone, this Easter we do not have to celebrate the holiday with such a heavy burden and can sense the re-birth of our country as it is finally coming back from the recession that has gripped our homeland.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>How do you end a column after 16 years? With regrets and unfulfilled dreams? Perhaps, but truthfully, Column of the Americas ends with even bigger dreams.</p>
<p>There indeed is disappointment with the ease in which the U.S. populace has accepted and normalized the notion of permanent war as a God-given U.S. birthright; the further militarization of the nation and the world; the politics of fear, hate and blame; and Big Brother government. All with nary a whimper.</p>

<p>California’s system of higher education is at a breaking point just when another large wave of students is coming to pursue their undergraduate degrees.</p>
<p>Students, teachers and education advocates are taking to the streets in marches and protests across the Golden State to raise awareness of the devastating results of budget cuts like furloughs, drop-ped courses, sky-rocketing fees, admission restrictions and reduced prestige for the pre-eminent system of higher education in the country.</p>

<p>Former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo (aka Loony Toons) continues anti-Mexican hate and lies even after leaving office. Hate is hate.</p>
<p>Tancredo’s lunacy comes from when he was a draft dodging evader and liar. He manifested a profound hate for the USA when he claimed mental illness to avoid the Vietnam draft. Or, did he lie?</p>

<p>If anyone thought the inauguration of Barack Obama as president, heralded the end of racism in America, they should look no further than the tea party rallies held this weekend. The racial slogans and the mocking signs show how far we still have to go. Perhaps even more troubling are the economic indicators that show how far the recession is setting back the fragile fortunes of people of color.</p>

<p>When Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency, he promised us a less polarized and less partisan political environment and a more transparent and accountable federal government.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, these lofty campaign pledges were nothing more than empty rhetoric. Nowhere is this more evident than with the recently signed health care reform bill.</p>

<p>&nbsp; In honor of April Fools’ Day, I turn this column over to Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project movement, to answer your <em>preguntas</em>. Enjoy!</p>