<p><strong>&nbsp;: When I was in high school, everyone called the Mexican students like myself “cheddars.” I’m not sure where this originated from, or what it really has to do with Mexican culture. When I have asked other Mexicans what this means, they are not sure, either. “Cheddar packing” is a term used to describe a car full of Mexicans. I hope you can answer this for me—<em>muchas gracias</em>!</strong></p>

<p>, dice el conocido refrán.</p>
<p>Eso fue exactamente lo que su fe hizo que un grupo de inmigrantes irlandeses hicieran en el siglo 19, cuando decidieron morir en manos de los yankees protestantes antes que matar a sus hermanos mexicanos católicos en la guerra entre Estados Unidos y México.</p>

<p>Faith moves mountains, goes the old saying.</p>
<p>That’s exactly what faith made a group of Irish immigrants do in the 19th&nbsp;century, when they decided they’d rather die at the hands of the Protestant Yankees rather than kill their Mexican Catholic brothers in the Mexican-American War.</p>

<p>(<strong>KPRENSA</strong>) – As the ethnic make-up of America changes, so does its music. And with a passel of influences under his belt, Rana Santacruz makes music for that new America.</p>
<p>Santacruz’s solo debut Chicavasco —released on March 9, 2010— is the product of a vibrant musical vision that was shaped by growing up in Mexico City and coming of age in a musical world informed by MTV, where all styles of music are accessible like never before.</p>

<p>If you like Carlos Mencia’s type of comedy, you’re going to love “Our Family Wedding,” a film based on stereotypical aspects of Mexican culture to try to be funny.</p>
<p>The film, which opens Friday, March 12, tells the story of Lucia Ramirez, played by “Ugly Betty” actress America Ferrera, and Marcus Boyd, portrayed by Lance Gross, a recently engaged young couple who keep their wedding plans a secret, then suddenly spring the news on their families.</p>

<p>Si te gusta el tipo de comedia de Carlos Mencia, entonces te va a encantar “Our Family Wedding”, un filme basado en aspectos estereotípicos de la cultura mexicana para tratar de ser chistosa.</p>
<p>El filme, que estrena el viernes 12 de marzo, cuenta la historia de Lucía Ramírez, interpretada por la actriz de “Ugly Betty”, America Ferrera, y Marcus Boyd, con el actor Lance Gross, una joven pareja recientemente comprometida que ha mantenido sus planes de boda en secreto, y de repente le cuentan la noticia a sus familias.</p>