México del Norte Jorge Mújica Murias Extravagante. Esta es la palabra más Read more…

<p>On March 11, 2003 Staff Sergeant Eric Alva, a proud Latino and a proud Marine who led a crew of 11 in Iraq, stepped on a landmine, which caused him to lose his leg. He was the first American injured in Iraq and he was awarded the Purple Heart for his service to our country. Staff Sgt. Alva is also gay.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>California’s looming $20-billion budget hole should be fixed by slashing spending, say voters in a new multilingual Field Poll survey on state government.</p>
<p>But taxation as part of the solution found more favor among the state’s diverse populations of Asians, Latinos and African Americans. They were more likely to prefer a mix of spending cuts and taxation as a way to shrink the deficit.</p>

Our Forum for Chula Vista’s 1st Ever Elected City Attorney Candidates

When: March 8th, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Where: Civic Center Library Auditorium,
 370 ‘F’ Street, corner of 4th and ‘F’ Street

LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Anjanette Read more…