<p>Baja California has been brought forward into the national debate over gay marriage, after PAN Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millán and his Jalisco counterpart decided to sue the Supreme Court claiming the same-sex unions legalized in Mexico City since March 4th are unconstitutional.</p>

<p>Baja California ha entrado al a polémica nacional sobre los matrimonios gays, luego de que el gobernador panista José Guadalupe Osuna Millán y su homologo de Jalisco promovieran una demanda que busca no reconocer los matrimonios gays celebrados en el Distrito Federal a partir del 4 de marzo.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>Prominent immigrant advocates launched their most sharply worded public critique yet of the Obama administration’s immigration policy.</p>
<p>Advocates who spoke at a press conference Monday in Washington, D.C. angrily pointed to statistics that showed a significant acceleration in immigration enforcement over President Bush’s last year, with over 387,000 immigrants deported since Obama’s inauguration.</p>

<p>With almost 15 million Americans unemployed, Congress has a moral obligation to pass another jobs bill. But it also has a moral obligation to ensure that those who need the jobs the most are not left out in the cold.</p>
<p>President Obama and Congress need to pass a new jobs bill, and they need to make sure this one reaches Americans who are the most hard hit.</p>