<p>Technology and innovation have been driving forces for globalization and increased interconnectivity. Many young, socially connected San Diego Hispanics are on the forefront of this new society. Their affinity for Internet technologies will advance Latinos as business strategies are increasingly built within global models.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p>I came home from Iraq in March 2004, yet I’m still fighting a war, a war here at home. It’s a war of shadows, one that no one seems to really understand. A war of anger and anxiety, fought in the recesses of my mind.</p>


<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>California students have less than a week left to send in their applications for the Cal Grant, the state’s most generous – and most accessible – financial aid program.</p>
<p>The Cal Grant is not a loan. So the student doesn’t need to pay it back. It can provide up to $9,708 a year for tuition and fees for a four-year school and up to $1,551 for community college. Students enrolling in special technical programs can also receive up to $2,692.</p>