12th Annual César E. Chávez High School Essay Contest

The San Diego César E. Chávez Commemorative Committee and the University of California, San Diego Early Academic Outreach Program present: The Twelfth Annual César E. Chávez High School Essay Contest for high School students in San Diego, Imperial, and Orange Counties

The Art of Inspiration in Serving Our Communities

Instructions for completing essays:


Planned Parenthood of San Diego & Riverside Counties recently received an anonymous gift of nearly $300,000 to provide Gardasil, the HPV vaccine, at its family planning centers. “Gardasil significantly reduces a woman’s risk of cervical cancer because it is 100% effective in protecting against 70% of the strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer,” said Katharine Sheehan, M.D., Medical Director of the local Planned Parenthood.


It has become an annual ritual where school districts start the process of trying to find ways to balance their budgets with a threat of teacher layoffs. Across the county each school district is targeting teacher salaries as the way to go, in order to bring about cost savings. San Diego City Schools is asking for an 8 percent cut in teachers’ salaries, as is Chula Vista Elementary, two percent in San Ysidro, two percent in Vista and the drum beat goes on.

<p>A recent set of recommendations by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) has identified ten areas for improvement that the collective leadership of the Southwestern Community College District is already addressing. We began this effort following receipt of the preliminary recommendations of the accreditation team in October 2009. There is no reason for students, parents, or the community to be alarmed.&nbsp;</p>