State Democrats have been receiving kudos for finally taking a stand on an issue!!! The issue is the appointment of Sen. Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor…. Por favor this is a stand for nada… what does it mean, the post of Lt.

Letters to the Editor


Chunky Sanchez
Park Steering Committee

Brother Chunky

As, you are about to celebrate another Milestone Park Day, I thought it would be important to share with you a bit of history related to the take over of the park that has often been overlooked. Specifically, I have reference to Charlie Vasquez, George Baca and Mrs. Nellie Vasquez and the members of Southwestern college MEChA, which had been started by Charlie Vasquez, George Baca, and Allan Cazares in 1968.

<p>Hay un dicho muy conocido en el vocablo inglés. Más o menos la traducción al español es la siguiente: “Se ve como un pato, camina como un pato, [entonces] es un pato”.</p>
<p>Si vemos al grupo de frente, por atrás, por un lado, por arriba o por abajo, entonces nos damos cuenta que el fenómeno que produce es un movimiento de tipo reaccionario.</p>
<p>El grupo se organizó a inicios del 2009 en forma desprovista y una vez consumada la victoria del actual Presidente.</p>

<p><strong> People talk about the costs of illegal immigration on our society. What about the savings? Has there been any research into how much more a meal at a restaurant would cost without Mexicans cooking and washing dishes? What percentage increase would we see with supermarket produce if migrant illegal laborers were paid a fair wage?</strong></p>
<p><strong>El Mojado Acaudalado</strong></p>